OC | Question 70-72
70. Should infants, too, be baptized?
No, for we have neither Precept nor Example for that Practice in all the Book of God.
71. Does the Scriptures forbid the Baptism of Infants?
It is sufficient that the Divine Oracles commands the baptizing of Believers, unless we will make ourselves wiser than what is written. Nadab and Abihu were not forbidden to offer strange Fire, yet for doing so they incurred God’s Wrath, because they were commanded to take Fire from the Altar.193
^ 193. Mat. 28:18, 19; Mark 16:16; Lev 9:24, 10:16
72. May not the infant children of believers under the Gospel be baptized since the infant descendants of Abraham were circumcised under the Law?
No. Abraham had a command from God to circumcise his infant descendants, but believers have no command to baptize their infant children under the Gospel.194
^ 194. Gen. 17:9-12